Saturday, May 22, 2010

quran "book wherein there is no doubt"

This is the book ;  in it is guidance sure , without doubt , to those who fear Allah (quran : 2:2) .
This is the quran ; it was revealed to one human being named as Muhammed ( peace and blessing be upon him ) and its Author is Allah , the lord  and sustainer of the universe .
At a time when the world sank to its lowest , oppression and tyranny (cruel and unfair treatment by someone in a position of power) exceeded all the limits, human beings were enslaved by arrogant kings and emperors , and women lost their human dignity on earth ,
A night in the month of Ramadan (9th month of Islamic calendar) was destined
to determine the course of human history from then on . fourteen hundred years ago . Allah, the lord  decided to bring back humanity from the disgrace of slavery into the position of Allah`s emissary on earth . That was laylat ul Qadr ( the night of power ) ; the night when angel Gabriel , on the command of Allah , made an eternal link between the heaven and the earth . that was the night that shaped the destiny of humanity .
This is that quran that :
·        Transformed a nation that stooped in chaos
·        Revolutionized them and elevated them to the peak of human perfection
·        Changed people`s hearts
·        Molded their characters
·        Uprooted their ignorance
·        Reconstructed their societies in a noble and divine fashion

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